As a tribute to design and quality of the great and undiscussed Master, Gio Ponti Collection by Amini is the result of the collaboration between Gio Ponti Archives and Amini Carpets. Inspired by the works and style of the legendary architect, these magnificent carpets are hand-made by skilled weavers using only the finest natural yarns, such as Tibetan wool and silk. The brightness of their materials and vivid colors give expression, breathing new life, to Ponti’s aesthetics: rigorous geometrical shapes and free signs, circle, hexagon, unbroken or stippled lines, and triangles, which turn into rhombus and rectangles in the carpet “Diamantina“, reminding to the ceramic tiles he designed and often used in his architectural works. And also the chess board pattern of the carpet “Sorrento“, inspired by the floor of the Hotel Parco dei Principi. © Gio Ponti Archives